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Jumat, 27 Februari 2009

Nabila Syakieb Beauty

Many artists choose marriage series or even get married secretly. Nabila Syakieb but not obsessed. If you release the single later, he will want to all people. Titi Kamal and Christian Sugiono have been announced recently married secretly on 6 February 2009. While the previous time is confirmed, they were silent, and disputed the newspaper's.

Not only Titi and Christian, the other is also a lot of artists who diisukan married secretly married or series. Jonas Brothers call it, Hengky Kurniawan, until sahrul Gunawan. Pesinetron a recently released debut screen width, nabila Syakieb averse mimic impression that the artist do this. Nabila sure if the wedding is the happy news that should be shared. "Nikah is happy news. Should be notified to all people. Nikah series also ngapain, is a woman, also married beneran mild," when found in his blazing Premiere wide screen film, 'The Real Pocong' in Cilandak Town Square, Thursday (26 / 2 / 2009).

However, nabila that there are no plans to increase pelaminan in the near future. He also disputed the issue of the relationship with Yuri Izha Mahendra has now aground. "Thus the relationship I not fall apart, but even I study," said University student was Paramadina

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