Dewi Persik who have a genuine name Dewi Murya Agung (born in Jember, East Java, December 18, 1985; age 23 years) was a troubadour Dangdut Indonesia. Daughter pair H. Moch Aidil (father) and Hj. Sri Muna (mother) claim to have this Chinese descent from her grandmother.
Dewi known as "Pentas tembang" Stars. The name itself is given by her peach manager, Mr. Yogi, so that his career is shining like the peach fruit in China is seen as the fruit of fortune. Who has ever dibintangi Dream Goddess, among others, and Manis Legend EPS. Nyi Ronggeng. Dewi career but not always clear. The famous goddess with a rocking start "gergaji" get criticism on the "seronok" her action, and the clothes and less strict. Dewi is a peak time after the event to fill out a birthday that was held in TPI Istora Senayan, 23 January 2008. Breasts Dewi suddenly be touched by a man. When the Goddess wear tank top white with black strip. Before touching the breasts Dewi, man-stealing is fraudulent breasts Dewi surreptitious pictures with a camera phone at this busy section pedangdut interviewed. Gen. breasts Dewi consumption which is the first new general not occur. In 2005, the turbulence tottery too 'hot' at an event SCTV, breast Dewi participate swell. Events that only lasted a few seconds

Unfortunately, the comment about the Goddess pencekalannya thus even muddy atmosphere. Dewi-ban is the curb kebebasannya and it is part of the killing of the character and slander against him. Even at that time the Jonas Brothers' challenge 'to prosecute those who memfitnahnya the table to the law. Not only that, Dewi even throw the smack' threat 'to the Mayor of Tangerang. ban controversy that lasted for many days in media attention from Menpora Adhiyaksa Dault and Minister for Women, Meuthia Hatta. Even Menpora also call him to ask the Goddess self introspection. Not how long, and pleaded guilty Dewi blunder, although his stay will not change the oscillation erotisnya.
Not only do stage Dewi reap the controversy, her first movies , strap Pocong Virgin also considered too mengumbar genitals and lead to pornography. However, Dewi quibble is that all the edges money.