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Sabtu, 07 November 2009
Sabtu, 17 Oktober 2009
Wulan Guritno Sexy Gallery
Wulan Guritno Lorraine (born in London, England, April 14, 1980 age 29 years) is an Indonesian female actor who acted in the movie Gie and Janji Joni. He mixed Java (rather Solo) - English and plays the body 168 cm. He is a former lover of the national car racer Ananda Mikola. Name Wulan Guritno began to climb when the typical sweet face as a football presenter often greeted viewers. At the age of 13 years, he had a relationship with Attila Syach. Wulan had three years of school in London. After returning to Indonesia, he connected again with Atilla, and reportedly she was pregnant before marriage. His parents then decided to marry Wulan with Attila, at the age of which is still very young.
At the age of 13 years, he had a relationship with Attila Syach. Wulan had three years of school in London. After returning to Indonesia, he connected again with Atilla, and reportedly she was pregnant before marriage. His parents then decided to marry Wulan with Attila, at the age of which is still very young.
Had aspired to be a round of legislative elections in 2009, but this goal must be crushed. This is due to issue certificates that are considered Wulan's fake. Despite clarifying that his certificate was genuine, but in the end of this Dimitri Adilla lovers choose to withdraw from the exchange of parliamentary candidates.
Wulan bachelor off period for the second time on March 27, 2009. He was formally released his widow with a married status by Adilla. Ceremony held at the home Wulan. In the ceremony Adilla dowry handed a set of tools prayers. For the wedding reception will be held in April 2009.
Once blessed with a child named Shaloom Syach Razadee, the couple finally decided to divorce. Wulan declared himself can not stand it continues to develop household Syach Attila. He said, not only never gave Attila a living during married, but he was thought too highly temperamental character, the jealous and likes to do rough. The case of the more exciting when Attila Nugie with Wulan caught in the bedroom but Wulan claimed no connection anything with Nugie. When he claimed to have been coached in singing by Nugie record attempt as a singer.
Senin, 11 Mei 2009
Jumat, 03 April 2009
Nikita Willy
Nikita Willy (born in Jakarta, June 29, 1994, age 14 years) is a young actress of Indonesia. Nikita Willy started his career in Indonesia the world of entertainment since the age of 7 years through sinetron Moon Stars. Name start Nikita Willy known public, when a role in the dime novel with sinetron actors Evan Sanders.
Dude Herlino main opponent in the sinetron 'Nikita', Nikita Willy, have a hobby turns sleeping in the school. In fact at this time Nikita who sit third in the junior must prepare for the national exam. "Nggak papa kok, soalnya I most like to sleep in the sports lessons. One the first day to sleep in class, one hour longer participate in new sports," said Nikita while laughing, when found in Plaza Senayan, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (1/4/2009 ).
For Nikita, a national test is not a matter that should be feared too. Prepare for it as long as well, he sure can through the test. Syuting chase each process running the middle of the Nikita dilakoni also not a problem. To syuting, both parents are already giving limits. Stars ads that usually demand new start syuting home after school until 23:00 at WIB. When Nikita learn? "Kan already learning in school," she relaxed.
Nikita (Nikita Willy) is an orphaned girl and a steadfast avoidance surrender. Malang for Nikita, menimpanya accident a few years ago, so the blind eyes. Nikita many times to the hospital, looking for donor cornea. However, 7 years passed, he not get it. Nikita eventually get from the donor eye Dr. PRITA (Cathy Sharon)
Jumat, 27 Februari 2009
Nabila Syakieb Beauty

Not only Titi and Christian, the other is also a lot of artists who diisukan married secretly married or series. Jonas Brothers call it, Hengky Kurniawan, until sahrul Gunawan. Pesinetron a recently released debut screen width, nabila Syakieb averse mimic impression that the artist do this. Nabila sure if the wedding is the happy news that should be shared. "Nikah is happy news. Should be notified to all people. Nikah series also ngapain, is a woman, also married beneran mild," when found in his blazing Premiere wide screen film, 'The Real Pocong' in Cilandak Town Square, Thursday (26 / 2 / 2009).
However, nabila that there are no plans to increase pelaminan in the near future. He also disputed the issue of the relationship with Yuri Izha Mahendra has now aground. "Thus the relationship I not fall apart, but even I study," said University student was Paramadina
Sabtu, 14 Februari 2009
Star New Comer Debby Ayu

Stars newcomer, Debby Ayu do not deny that beraninya in the third film, Single Contract Again, do it on a professional claim. "At first timid, but that in order keprofesionalan she act. And I make that challenge," said Debby at the press meet of movie Contract Single Again, in the Euro Cafe, Belleza Permata Hijau, on Tuesday (11/11).
In the film dibintangi Ricky Harun, the figures portray Kokom Debby, the village girl who marries the practice contracts. When jaipong dance striptease is followed by the opponent play, Aditya (as judge), Debby no doubt throw clothes over it. "I still put on a nipple or unviewseeble bra, why," he said. She had made
when in doubt do the scene. However, in order to remove the sense of doubt and the courage to confess Debby exercise first. "practise with Adit in the room. How can we can kemistrinya," said Debby.

To make the scene like that, Debby has been claimed have permission from their families. "Housemates in Lampung, so there is a problem enggak. Different with boy friend with a little complaint. But after he finally understand the explanation. Because this is the ideal-the future to be an artist," she said. Shown with a sexy dress, for Debby is the normal wearing it. "In daily life I really like the sections, tanktop and shorts. take for the future like that again I would like don't. Pornografinya Because the bill already , afraid arrested," she said
Selasa, 03 Februari 2009
Dewi Persik Hot Sexy

Dewi known as "Pentas tembang" Stars. The name itself is given by her peach manager, Mr. Yogi, so that his career is shining like the peach fruit in China is seen as the fruit of fortune. Who has ever dibintangi Dream Goddess, among others, and Manis Legend EPS. Nyi Ronggeng. Dewi career but not always clear. The famous goddess with a rocking start "gergaji" get criticism on the "seronok" her action, and the clothes and less strict. Dewi is a peak time after the event to fill out a birthday that was held in TPI Istora Senayan, 23 January 2008. Breasts Dewi suddenly be touched by a man. When the Goddess wear tank top white with black strip. Before touching the breasts Dewi, man-stealing is fraudulent breasts Dewi surreptitious pictures with a camera phone at this busy section pedangdut interviewed. Gen. breasts Dewi consumption which is the first new general not occur. In 2005, the turbulence tottery too 'hot' at an event SCTV, breast Dewi participate swell. Events that only lasted a few seconds

Not only do stage Dewi reap the controversy, her first movies , strap Pocong Virgin also considered too mengumbar genitals and lead to pornography. However, Dewi quibble is that all the edges money.
Sexy Beauty Julia Perez

His name known after he began to enact some sinetron and film the big screen. In April 2008, Julia 
Perez declares to the world of Dangdut. He then released perdananya album titled Kamasutra. Jupe in the album also included a condom wrapper in diselipkan album. Although Jupe says Family Planning (KB), but many of the actions is the rate of support for free sex. Even the Minister for Women's Empowerment, Meutia Hatta said that action could be interpreted as support for the free sex. Because of the appearance of the section and the album Kamasutra condoms berbonus, he dicekal a lot in Indonesia, as in West Nusa Tenggara, Riau, Palembang, Balikpapan and Bengkulu.
Julia Perez initiated his career through training as a secretary in private companies and the opportunity to continue education in the Netherlands. He then acquainted with a French male model, Damien Perez (Yusuf Perez). Damien Perkenalannya with the opportunity to open the show himself as a model FHM and Maxim magazine in France. With the appearance in FHM and Maxim, Jupe got 100 nominations terseksi female version of the magazine FHM and Maxim.

Julia Perez initiated his career through training as a secretary in private companies and the opportunity to continue education in the Netherlands. He then acquainted with a French male model, Damien Perez (Yusuf Perez). Damien Perkenalannya with the opportunity to open the show himself as a model FHM and Maxim magazine in France. With the appearance in FHM and Maxim, Jupe got 100 nominations terseksi female version of the magazine FHM and Maxim.
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